Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Weapons of Choice

I've never had any luck making money off of schemes that I've specifically come up with for the sake of making money. Maybe some people can do that but I can't for some reason. I think for myself and many other people you have to really be passionate about what you are pursuing and for me, making money is just not enough passion I guess. But I do have weapons as my disposal in my pursuit of self-employment:

Music - I've been making music for many years now by myself and as a member of various bands. I'm passionate about this area of my life and it's time I started to see a return on all that investment of time.

Writing - I've always been told that I'm a good writer, ever since grade school but I can't say that I've ever put the amount of effort into it as I should. In the last couple years I've had more and more of a desire to write fiction and I've not done well at doing anything about that desire. I'm hoping that I make the effort to change that soon. Blogs are also an outlet for writing though as you can see here but I also have a couple other blogs.

My own two hands - This is the most basic and readily available thing I've got at my disposal. Sometimes to reach your goal of self-employment you've got to be willing to do some dirty work with your hands.

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