So it's been a couple months without any new posts and there is a big reason for that: I struggle with being productive in my free time. Obviously that is a big problem for someone that is hoping for eventually be self-employed. I've never been a particularly productive person in my free time but now that I have a family, it's so much harder than ever to be productive at all with my free time so I've been striving to find a solution. I've tried devising a couple of systems but they've all kind of failed before they got off the ground because they all revolved around doing things at a specific time which is impossible when you have a family.
I've begun working on something I call a "Productivity Point System". It's basically to help me get things accomplished better. I've been doing it for 2 weeks and what I'm finding so far is that I'm still not doing anymore music than I was. Mainly I'm just getting the normal things done that I always do like chores and stuff but there has been some improvement in other areas. Like reading my Bible is one of the things on the list and I've been doing that some and I hadn't been doing that at all for a long time. I also put playing piano on the list and I've been putting some good effort into that. Really the things that I still don't get done are the things that are hard to do while the baby is sleeping because of noise.

I'll keep you posted on how I'm doing with this.